One of the best ways to prepare for the GCC Factories Plant Engineering and OHS Act exams is to go through the past exam papers. The GCC Factories Past Exam Papers will provide you with an idea of how questions are asked during the exam.
In this post, we share the GCC Factories Past Exam Papers. We will share both the Plant Engineering and the Occupational Health & Safety Act exams.
When are the GCC Factories Exams Written?
The Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET) administers the GCC Factories Exams through various TVET colleges. The GCC Factories Candidate can write the exams in June and November.
The GCC Factories Plant Engineering Exam is usually written in the first week of June or November.
The GCC Factories OHS Act Exam is usually written in the first week of June or November.
Download the GCC Factories Plant Engineering Past Exams
Below we have provided the GCC Factories plant engineering past exam papers in pdf for the past 5 years.
GCC Factories plant engineering June past exams:
Note: Due to the 2020 Lockdown regulations & Covid epidemic, the June 2020 GCC Factories Plant Engineering Exam was not written.
GCC Factories plant engineering November past exams:
Download the GCC Factories OHS Act Past Exams
Below we have provided the GCC Factories OHS Act past exam papers in pdf for the past 5 years.
GCC Factories OHS Act June past exams:
Note: Due to the 2020 Lockdown regulations & Covid epidemic, the June 2020 GCC Factories OHS Act Exam was not written.
GCC Factories OHS Act November past exams:
Note: The November 2020 GCC Factories OHS Act was rewritten in December 2020 due to exam irregularities experienced during the November 2020 exam.
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The GCC Factories and the GCC Mines & Works past exam papers can be obtained from the Department of Higher Education & Training (DHET) or at their Technical & Vocational Education and Training institutions (TVET).
Any reference or sharing of the past exam papers is not meant to infringe any DHET or TVET copyright. It is meant to provide quick access to the past exam papers to GCC Factories and GCC Mines & Works Candidates. The GCC past exam papers are shared as-is and Palucraft (Pty) Ltd does not take any credit, accuracy, or damage that may be caused by the material.